Covenant Tattoo & Piercing - Fort Collins, Colorado
Are you looking to make a life statement with your next Tattoo or Piercing? Finding the right artist to work with is an important step when considering a tattoo or piercing. That's why Covenant offers multiple artists who all feature different talents and styles. We always welcome walk in's but an appointment will guarantee that your chosen artist will be available. So take a look at the galleries, the tour of our studio, and then quit wasting time and stop by or call (970) 482-3254!
Made My Piercing Experience So Awesome

Kami Mesa
Kami Mesa

Answered Questions I Didn’t Even Think To Ask

Bridget Smith
Bridget Smith

Had The Best Experience

Maya Zarlingo
Maya Zarlingo

Super Friendly And Relaxed

Vicente Arellano
Vicente Arellano

Covenant Tattoo is the BEST!

Marie Palma
Marie Palma

I Love Covenant

Amber Manalabe
Amber Manalabe

Use your flash player to take a 360 look around the shop. Of course a better option is to stop by and see for yourself! Covenant Tattoo is located in Fort Collins, Colorado and we are ready to work with you on your next tattoo or piercing idea.